Tag Archives: La Digue

Sailing in Seychelles to the islands La Digue and Praslin 13/8-22/8

We needed diesel and gasoline so we sailed to Thaylor Smith wharf. We sailed back towards Victoria and Anchored outside the harbour. Next morning we had problems getting the anchor up because the relay to the up deck switch was not working. Lars had to chant the system. When we get out on the ocean we felt a little uncomfortable because it was a long time since we have been sailing. There were 20 knots on the beam and big short swells on 43 meters depth. We started for motor alone and after a while we rolled out the jib. We drop the anchor outside La Digua in the afternoon. It was a very roly anchor place. We had a difficult night for sleeping. Lars would not sail in to the harbour because our draft is to big, and there were a lot of boats. 14/8 The next day Lars replaced some electrical cords to the anchor drive so we could hoist the anchor up and down. We took the dingy in, in the afternoon, because the wind had calmed down. There were a lot of activities and people in the harbour. Ferries came in and out with a lot of tourists. We walked around for a while and found a restaurant by the water to have an early dinner. We could see Alexandra from there. Next day we stayed on board because of strong winds. We had visit from the coast guard next day. Two young recruit came aboard with the usually paper to fill. Al small boats with passengers were checked out for using life-jackets and there were many boats because of the religious holiday celebrating the saint Maria Jesus mother. It started very early in the morning but the wind were then to strong for us to leave Alexandra. Later in the afternoon we sailed in and had a walk along the north east bay and find a nice new seafood restaurant south of the harbour. 17/8 Up early and sailed in and rented electrical bicycles. We had a nice day biking around the small mountainousness island. Lars had a bad cold with fever and used up his power early but he could just get another bike without charge so we could use the stipulated time to ride. At that time we had not seen the wild turtles, but were lucky to see one crossing the road just after. At 16:10 we hoisted the anchor and sailed to the neighbour island Preslin and 17:10 we anchored outside the harbour. It was a good protected anchorage. Unfortunately I woke up by that a cockroach were climbing on me! The roaches probably got on board Alexandra while staying on the wharf. Cleaning and a lot of spray around the edges is the only way to get rid of them when living on board.

We took the dingy in to the harbour and walked downhill to the village but first stop at one of many small shops to get top up data. It was Sunday so everything was closed. We bought cola and beer at the Indies little shop on the way back.

We had a difficult night because a lot of wind and rain. We had nice dingy tour to the village and the supermarket in the afternoon. Bought frozen mutton meat (Sheep) that later on made a nice goulash. We put the food in the dingy and walked further into the village, were we find a restaurant with local food. Fish salad and pork stew with bottle beer for 76 DKK.

Early morning we took a local bus from the dinghy dock to The Natural reserve, Vallée de Mai. In the Information centre we paid 2X350 SCR = 344DKK. We walked the upper trail through the Palm tree jungle, but first we saw exhibit the amazing sized seed, Coco de Mere, from one of the palm trees. It was not the season for seeds now. We had a nice walk while trying to see the differences of the palm trees. Back at the centre we got nice home baked Cake with cappuccino and cola. Luckily the rain came first in the evening.

Dingy in and ask for diving. They said it was not a season for diving because a lot of algae in the water. We got some more internet and shopped a little. We got the dinghy up on davits and we mounted the repaired staysail on its head foil.

Praslin, 9 a clock, cloudy morning when we sail out of the bay with coarse to Victoria. We sailed fast upwind for main and jib and reached Victoria, 26.7 NM, within 4 hours.

In the evening, we had a nice seafood plater for my 69 years birthday dinner, at the Yacht club.