Isla Españiola tour with diving boat 6/6 2016
A one and a half hour tour to the island Españiola went quickly and at arrival we were al sailed in to land by a big rib from an other diving firm.
We saw Iguanas, Nascar Boobies, Blue-footed Boobies, Hermit crabs, Albatross, when waking around the island with our guide and dive master Santiago.
After a good lunch served on the boat we got into the water.
Scuba diving; Lars got Santiago as his “Body” and a Japanese couple dived too. They so shark and various fish on the reef and went down to 15 meter.
The rest of us, 9 people, snorkel’s to the reef together with some guys from the diving centre, one with an orange safety ring with him so he was easy to see. It was quite clear and we so a great variety of fish. Sum of us so a shark.
The day before we left for Isabela we got diesel, from jerry-cans sailed out by agent Bolivars son, for 3$ per gallon.
- Mocking bird