Tag Archives: Curacau


On the 28/2-16, after clearing out with customs and immigration in Bonaire, we sailed of to to Curacao and to the anchorage bays in Spanish Water, were we arrived before dark 17:00. Jesper advised us to lay anchor in the A sector and told us were to find custom and immigration and most important were do the bus depart to town. Willemstad is divided in 2 parts Punda (customs) and Otrobanda (immigration and harbour authorities for cruising permit 10$). The two parts are connected by the pontoon bridge “Queen Emma” for pedestrian and Queen Juliana Bridge for cars. In Otrobanda we visited Kura Hulanda Museum and an interesting part that dealt with the slave period. It was not nice to see or hear about but that period is important to know about. There were some beautiful sculptures, al picturing black people in front of the museum and in a sculpture garden, not taken care of so good, unfortunately. During the stay here I had a plan to get all laundry washed, but suddenly the water-maker stopped to work. After we had checked, rinsed or shifted filters it still didn’t work. Lars think that it could be the capacitor, on the electric motor for the high pressure pump, that is faulty. Hopefully we can get a new one in Cartagena. Thanks for advice from Willem and Hans. In Spanish water we had no contact with other sailor except two Swedish boats, Kairos and Alma, that arrived in the end of our stay there. Hope to see them later on.