Equator crossing 29-30/10 2018

29/10 Eventful night with anchor alarm and rain. Up 6:30, temperature 27.6 in the salon. Some difficult getting anchor up. We sail out of the bay 8:00. We are lucky having the current with us. At 9 a clock we pas a lot of fishing platforms made of bamboo with houses and two big fishing net on. You also have to look for poles in the water. We got rein a couple of times. We anchor next to Randivåg at the equator.

We were 16 people on-board Alexandra having sundowner celebrating equator crossing. The boats were Randivåg, Volo, Samara11, Joz 4, Ski Bird, Anemoz, Extra-pole. There were a lot of snacks and, at least, three brought a bottle of sparkling white so cheers to us all.

30/10 Before we left we took the dingy together, with Diane, to the equator monument. There were some steps up to a nice viewpoint. At 8a clock we hoist the dingy and the anchor and sail out of the bay with course towards Benan islands west coast. We had 2.6 knob current with us.

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