Sailing to the west coast of Viti Levu Fiji – 24/6 – 10/7

Provisioning fuel, gasoline, gas, laundry and checking out the westerly islands for later tour with guests from Denmark. 

The next day the 24/6, in rain and fog, at high tide, we sailed out of the little harbour with help from the nice “kava” lady from last night. We continued west finding OK anchorage in Waivunu Bay, outside a village with a church, a few NM away. Lars had to shunt the anchor winch so we could launch the anchor on 10 meter. It was a corroded electric cord that had to be fixed later on. Although irritating swells, humid air that made it difficult to get the laundry dry and affected our sleep, we had a nice stay seeing children playing on the sand bank at low tide.

The next morning 25/6, after Lars have fixed the corroded cord, we sail of for motor to Sovi Bay. Not much wind so motor sailing. We had to be careful getting out and also getting in to the new bay because of he reefs. Glad to have Sea Map and Google earth but also Navionic on my iPad mini. We went for motor in 7 hours before dropping anchor in a nice bay close to “the island highway”.

Early start next day, 26/6, to sail to Tuveriki Bay (south of Momi Bay) on the west coast of Viti Levu. Most of the day strong swells so inconvenient sailing. Nice relaxing evening in the cockpit.

Maria swam in the warm, 26.2, green water and dryed in the sun, now only 25% cloud cover. We run the water maker for an hour. So of to famous anchorage at Musket Cove resort on Malolo Island. Nice sailing downwind with only jib out. At 14:30 we drop anchor in the bay. The swells are strong here so not satisfied with the anchorage. We took the dingy in to check out the dive centre, little supermarket, café and resort. Nice sandy roads and expensive restaurant by the pool. We enjoyed the evening on board.

We expect strong winds the next days so in the morning on the 28/6, after setting a bred dough, we sailed back to the west coast of Viti Levu that is one of the two largest island in Fiji and in to Port Denarau Nadi (Nandi). We anchor outside the port because it is not enough water, on law tide, were the mooring boys are situated inside the harbour.

The next day, 29/6 we are of in the dingy to Denarau and the harbour office were we got a tally card after giving 25 FJD in deposition. Now we have access to the harbour at any time and can get rid of garbage, wash cloves (bye token) use the toilets and shower. The yellow one dollar bus to Nadi took us to the fabulous vegetable and fish market, supermarket and of cause Indian inspired lunch. Lars took the curry with fish and there were more bone than fish in it but the taste were good. No fish and curry for me. I had it in Suva so grilled chicken bone. We left two gas tanks outside the harbour office the next day and they were field up in the afternoon and we just had to pay at the office. So easy. Enjoyed the afternoon on Alexandra having, what is not easy to get out here, guacamole and shrimp for sundowner.

The next day we sailed into the harbour with Alexandra for to fill up diesel and gasoline before we sail up north to, the well protected against swells, Saweni Bay for motor. We went into the water and washed the hall and the next day too, with Lars having diving equipment on. That was very needed!!!

3/7 Sunny day, water temperature 26.5. No wind so going for motor passing the island Waya in the Yasawa group. Anchor dropped at Manta Rey island and jump into the turquoise water and snorkel over the reef close by. Beautiful corals and reef fish. The next day we also tried to snorkel, were the Manta Rey was supposed to bee, but the swells were to strong for me.

5/7-7/7 We sail for motor, having the wind on the nose, to the Blue lagoon between the islands Nanuyva and Sese. Water temperature 25.8 and 60% cloud cover. We take the dingy in to check out the resort. The next day we test the two good snorkelling places. Very good with a lot nice reef fish of the beach, so easy to get to. They have been fed. In the other end of the bay we had the dingy with us and the reef there was very nice but on deeper water and you have to get up in the dingy afterwards. With help from Lars it was fine.

7/7 We sail to the island Waya and a northern anchor bay for motor because 10 knots wind in the nose. When for anchor Lars put a newly fixed anchor snubber to the anchor. It worked fine. 3 motor boats and three sailing boats were there when we came so almost field up.

8/7-10/7 We sail to Denarau and on the way out of the bay we enjoy the beautiful view of the island so many pictures was taken. The wind is in the nose so motor sailing again. Later on we can set stay sail and it gives us one knot of speed and more enjoyable sailing. Drop anchor 14:30 outside Port Denarau. During the next days we had a lot to fix before guests from Denmark arrive on the 11/7. Laundry, cleaning SB cabin, provisioning etc. Most important though is to get our davits repaired. Lars made repair on davits by using carbon fibre and epoxy in Bora Bora. We knew it would not hold for ever but good in a crisis situation. Also the new dingy is much heavier than the old one so good to strengthen the davits. We manage to get it delivered to a metal workshop in Denarau the 11/7 and could get it back two days later repaired and supported by to new triangles.

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