9/6 The next day we had to go to the capital of Fiji Suva town with taxi for no cost cruising permit and another taxi to pay Health and from there Bio-security because we did not have Fiji $. NZ bank would not let us bye FJD$ because we did not have a bank account in NZ.
A walk downhill to the center of the city and got some rice and curry was nice. Fiji has to large population groups iTaukei indigenous (56.8%) and Indians (37.5%). We bought a solo (Fiji skirt) each for later use. Bio-security was located at Quins Port a very busy container harbor.
Showing our KDY member card we got a membership for free in Suva Royal Yacht Club. It was popular with the other sailor that we could get discount in the bar.
We enjoyed being inviting by Sven and Lisa onboard Randevåg and with Frideborg so we were six Scandinavian talking Swedish until late.
The next day Sven got to talk with a taxi-driver who wanted to take us to a Hindu, once in a year, celebration with fire walking, in a village, an hours drive a way from Suva. It was amazing.
Getting fuel was difficult but we could borrow jerrycans from Stuart and thanks for that.