Going to Galapagos

23-30/5 2016, 7 days and 13,5h, 1016 NM, best distance per 24h153,5 NM, Speed Avg. 5.6 kts, Speed Max. 7.7 kts, TWS Avg. 10.7 kts, TWS Max. 22.1 kts.

Upwind sailing, with different wind and current strength al the way, and a leek of water threw the forward hatch to the anchor storage, because it was not closet correctly. We sailed with a combination of motor and different sail. The mainsail had a big rift that Lars and Ivar tried to repair in Balboa but unfortunately it did not hold in this tough conditions. Good things happened too. On the third day we were visited by a lot of dolphins, for the first time on the Pacific. Also close to San Cristobal we had a couple of whales passing by and several amazing large stingray jumping for us. Galapagos Boobies flue around Alexandra night and days the last 24 hour. At 21 h 30/5 we sailed in to Puerto Baquerizo Moreno on San Cristobal and dropped the anchor.

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